Five Page Website ⭐️

Comprehensive, Detailed, Optimised

Our five-page websites are perfect for businesses looking to provide in-depth information and enhance their online presence. This comprehensive setup ensures all key details are easily accessible and improves your site’s ranking on search engines.

Key Features:
  • Extensive Layout: Five distinct pages to showcase your business comprehensively and improve search engine visibility.
  • Custom Design: Unique graphics that align with your brand’s colors and fonts for a unified look.
The Layout:

Home Page:

  • Large, eye-catching image to draw in customers
  • Brief overview of your business, highlighting your unique selling points
  • Buttons linking to other pages
  • Automated Instagram feed display
  • Customer testimonials and reviews


About Us Page:

  • Detailed description of your business with relevant images


Services Page:

  • Comprehensive descriptions of your services with images
  • Custom icons to highlight key services
  • Buttons linking to the contact form


Contact Page:

  • Clickable contact number and email
  • Google Maps display (if you have a physical location)
  • Built-in contact form sent directly to your email, with customisable fields


Portfolio Page:

  • High-resolution display of your best work
  • Images can be shown in slideshow, grid, or strip format


Footer Section:

  • Quick links to all sections
  • Business license numbers
  • Associations
  • ABN information
  • Registered business name



  • Facebook chat plugin
  • Google Reviews plugin



  • Build Cost: $3699 (includes 12 months hosting with virus protection and SSL Certificate). 50% deposit to start your project.
  • Timeframe: First draft in 14 days
  • Revisions: 10


Choose Onboard for a comprehensive, optimized website that thoroughly showcases your business and enhances your online presence.